Making the Invisible, Visible

Track your blood work and understand
what's happening on the inside

Understanding and tracking different health markers through regular blood testing is your ticket to identifying trends in your overall health. These trends can show you whether you are on track for optimal health, or whether your results are trending away from being healthy. If this is the case, getting this information early on and acting on it before things become a problem is how you can set yourself up for as long and healthy a life as possible.

We don't believe in waiting until something feels wrong to be the reason you get a blood test. We believe in proactively testing and tracking these results and working with right people to correct any results that could take away years of high quality, meaningful, active living.


We work with your primary health care team to track health markers that are relevant to the health of your heart, liver, kidneys, gut and your immune system.

Getting regular snapshots of the health of these different body systems empowers you with the knowledge of how well your diest, exercise, lifestyle and your genetics are setting you up for a long and healthy life.


We believe that by presenting your health data visually that you will be better able to understand what is happening with your health and that you will be empowered to act on the information that comes from it. Furthermore, you will be able to instantly see the effectiveness of any treatment strategies you take on and observe how well that helps you get your health on track and keep it there.


Seeing how your data is trending over time allows you to work with your primary health care team to truly optimise your wellbeing. Knowing which markers are most relevant to your longevity and prioritising anything that needs improvement will be your starting point to long term health. Pro-actively and pre-emptively addressing issues before they become a health concern truly is the medicine of the future.

It's all about you

The most important person in your journey towards maximisng your healthspan is you. We know that you want to give yourself the best chance of staying active, healthy and engaged in your later years of life. Therefore, we know that if you understand the information that is relevant to that goal then you are already ahead of the curve. Tracking that information over the course of your life helps you to identify what actually helps you.

Furthermore, having clear, visual data about your health opens up better lines of communication between everyone involved in your health care and wellbeing; it provides a common base and language that everyone shares which helps you rest assured that everyone is on the same page.