Shoulder Pain – It’s no laughing matter…;)

Hey there, shoulder pain sufferers! Are you tired of feeling like a one-armed bandit, unable to lift anything above shoulder height without wincing in pain? Are your eyes sunken and haggard like The Godfather because you wake in pain whenever you roll onto your shoulder while sleeping? Has your shoulder pain caused you to reinvent the art of putting on a bra (or maybe you've just ditched using one altogether)?

Shoulders are one of those areas of the body that can get aggravated for all sorts of reasons. Maybe it was from carrying your team to victory in the annual office chair race? Or perhaps from channeling your inner Beyoncé during a night (or many nights) of karaoke? Perhaps sharing the bed with your partner, your toddler and your two dogs leaves you so restriced that during the whole four hours of sleep you actually get your shoulder was twisted behind your head like a contortionist? Whatever the cause, shoulder pain can really cramp your style and become a massive burden on your life and livelihood.

How you wake up after sleeping on a sliver of the bed with your toddler and two dogs between you and your partner...

But fear not, because there are plenty of ways to ease that discomfort. You could try rubbing some ointment on it, but be warned - you might end up smelling like a grandma's medicine cabinet. Or you could stretch it out, but that might make you look like you're trying to audition for Cirque du Soleil. If all else fails, you can always resort to the age-old technique of pretending like you're perfectly fine. Smile through the pain, or just try and avoid using your arm altogether, am I right? Years ago I saw a patient in his 60's who had been told by his GP to just rest his shoulder and let it heal; the appointment he had with that GP was 15 years before I saw him!! This is Olympic level avoidance! Very impressive but totally useless at helping him to get better. If rest was going to work he would have seen an improvement pretty quickly. If rest isn't helping after a week, maximum two weeks, then MORE rest certainly won't help!

So, if you're feeling really adventurous, you could always try to tackle the root of the problem. Maybe it's time to invest in one of those recumbent office desks where your computer is suspended above you as you lay on a space-age looking bed. Or perhaps it's time to retire your air guitar and pick up a less strenuous hobby, like knitting or birdwatching (just make sure you get the lightweight binoculars).

Ok, seriously now, shoulder pain is no laughing matter. But sometimes a little humor is just what the doctor ordered. Also on that order should be a very thorough assessment that looks at your neck, your elbow and your your back as well as how you use your shoulder in the activities that aggravate it. There could be huge changes to your pain that can be gained by looking at and assessing the areas that your shoulder relies on to move well and be strong. Perhaps the OPPOSITE shoulder is partly to blame too. If the opposite shoulder is stiff and weak and not helping out as much as it should with certain tasks then the painful shoulder is going to be asked to pick up the slack. So, keep your spirits high, your ice packs cold, and your painkillers at the ready and find a therapist who knows that shoulder pain can often be a SYMPTOM of other issues. Find a therapist who knows that assessing all possible contributing factors is critical to getting a good result. Run away from any therapist who just pokes at the sore spot, or forces your shoulder into painful movements. Run away from the therapist who does the same exact treatment on your shoulder as they did to your friend who sees them for their lower back. Run away from the therapist who tries to book you in for your next 10 consults before you've finished paying for your first consult. And who knows, maybe one day you'll look back on this moment and laugh. Or maybe you'll just be glad that you can finally lift your arm above your head without feeling like you're resisting 5 times Earth's gravity. Either way, keep on smiling, shoulder pain warriors!

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